Public Domain Images
How many times have you taken pictures from Google Images or anywhere on the Internet---without giving credit? Did you understand it's against copyright and it's STEALING to use images without credit, and sometimes without permission. When you post these images online, you are technically in violation of the law. YouTube and many other sites will not let you upload images that have been taken from Google images without permission. This could be a problem when posting your video online if you do not use copyright-free images
Download and view the following Powerpoint:
Public Domain Images
After viewing the PowerPoint presentation, follow the instructions to print out five COPYRIGHT FREE PUBLIC DOMAIN IMAGES using a different search subject for each one. Copy and paste each image into a word document, and label each with the search term you used to find it. Print out the document, write your name on the paper, and turn it in.
Another resource: This Pathfinder for finding Copyright Friendly resources.
Sites for finding copyright friendly images:
Finding copyright-free images on Google images:
How many times have you taken pictures from Google Images or anywhere on the Internet---without giving credit? Did you understand it's against copyright and it's STEALING to use images without credit, and sometimes without permission. When you post these images online, you are technically in violation of the law. YouTube and many other sites will not let you upload images that have been taken from Google images without permission. This could be a problem when posting your video online if you do not use copyright-free images
Download and view the following Powerpoint:
Public Domain Images
After viewing the PowerPoint presentation, follow the instructions to print out five COPYRIGHT FREE PUBLIC DOMAIN IMAGES using a different search subject for each one. Copy and paste each image into a word document, and label each with the search term you used to find it. Print out the document, write your name on the paper, and turn it in.
Another resource: This Pathfinder for finding Copyright Friendly resources.
Sites for finding copyright friendly images:
Finding copyright-free images on Google images: